Student Chapters

Religious Liberty Fellows


22 members

Religious Liberty Fellowship Application

The 6th Annual JRCLS Religious Liberty Fellowship took place at Founding Forward near Valley Forge in Pennsylvania on May 20 - 24, 2024.  Fellows will met with nationally recognized religious liberty advocates and scholars, and interfaith representatives. They built their knowledge of the law, strengthened their networks, and formulated plans to promote religious liberty in their communities. Fellows go on to do great things, including religious liberty litigation, non-profit work, academic publishing, community organizing, and online education.  This year the fellowship culminated with our first Annual East Coast Conference.  Conference attendees joined the fellows at Valley Forge  on May 23 - 24th.  This was a unique networking and educational opportunity for the 2024 fellows.  

Applications for the 2025 JRCLS Religious Liberty Fellowship will open soon.

Past Events

Speaker Ticket Event

2024 JRCLS Annual Fireside


Amy Parker

Events Manager J. Reuben Clark Law Society

Tanner Bean

Religious Liberty Fellowship Committee Fabian VanCott

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