Global Leadership Training Recap - March 2024

On March 21, 2024, Law Society chapter leaders and area chairs from across the world met in the first ever Global Leadership Training. Attendees included 25 leaders at the law firm of Lewis Roca in Las Vegas, Nevada, while 20 additional leaders joined via Zoom.  The event was conducted by Executive Director Forrest Hansen and took place just prior to the opening session of the 2024 Annual Conference.

During the training, Angel Zimmerman, Chapter Relations Council Chair, introduced the 23 new Area Chairs and explained their role in overseeing and supporting chapter chairs in their areas.

David Garner, International Chair, invited leaders to take action and reviewed the chapter goals for 2024:

  1. Each chapter chair and chair-elect register on
  2. Each chapter chair invites chapter members to register on
  3. Each chapter holds at least one event that is published on 

David Garner also reviewed the Chapter Recognition Criteria and encouraged each chapter to work toward achieving at least the Bronze Level. 

Associate Director Amy Larsen reviewed the Fortify the Family Workshop materials available on, highlighting the workshop put on by the Mexico Campeche chapter in February, 2024.  She also reviewed the Religious Freedom Training materials available on the website and encouraged Law Society leaders to use the training materials to support religious liberty efforts in their local communities.  

Forrest Hansen reviewed the recent Rule of Law camp which was held in Washington state, USA, a pilot program that was held for high school students in February, 2024. The one-day camp was held at a local courthouse and directed by Chad Mitchell, North America Northwest Area Chair.

Lyza Wolfgramm, JRCLS Website and Communications Manager, provided website training to leaders and shared three new JRCLS website training videos which provide step-by-step instructions on how Law Society members can register on; how chapter and area leaders can use the tools on the website to communicate with their chapter members; and how chapter and area leaders can create and advertise local events.

For Law Society leaders interested in receiving additional training, or with questions about your responsibilities, please contact your Area Chair: Area Chair Directory.