Bogotá Chapter Holds Free Legal Advice Day in Villa del Prado

Written by Vanessa Granados

On October 21, 2023, the Bogotá Chapter of the J. Reuben Clark Society held a Free Legal Advice Day in the Villa del Prado neighborhood of Bogotá.

During this event, members of this chapter advised more than fifteen families who could not afford professional legal fees. Dr. Luis Prieto Castañeda, Dr. Elisabeth Ruíz Sánchez, Dr. María Elvia Pérez, Dr. Daniel Rodríguez and Dr. Vannesa Granados provided legal assistance in commercial, labor, pension, alimony and family matters.

In addition, Dr. Daniel Rodríguez gave a short lecture to several entrepreneurs on the best way to legally incorporate their companies, and the benefits that this entails.

The people attended expressed their gratitude for the existence of a legal society that could listen to them, guide them and give them information about the legal tools that the Colombian State has to protect their rights.